Bianca Marijan

Broker of Record/Owner

Home Buyer Tips

Home Buyers

During the process of buying a home, you’ll unearth countless questions. We know how difficult it can be to sift through all the details in order to find answers relevant and meaningful to you. We’ve put together the following series of reports that provide clear, concise and useful information on a wide range of issues related to real estate. Here you’ll find tips on how to save money, real estate insider secrets, renovation advice, and much more.

We’d be happy to personally answer any other questions you may have. Remember, we will be here to assist you every step of the way!

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Home

You've been saving for a while, weighing your options and casually looking around. Now you've finally decided to do it, you're ready to buy a home. The process of buying a new home can be incredibly exciting and stressful. Where do you start?

Buying A Home: What Expenses To Expect

Budgeting for a new home can be tricky. The last thing you want is to be financially unprepared for all the closing day costs.

Hire The Right Agent: 8 Questions To Ask

Finding a Real Estate Agent who is right for you requires asking the right questions. Choosing an Agent is a decision that could ultimately cost you or save you thousands of dollars. Experience, interests and expertise will vary from Agent to Agent, so you should be asking very specific questions in order to align your own needs with the abilities of an Agent.

Know The Market Before You Buy

The asking prices of most homes on the market indicate the current state of the market and usually mirror the prices for which other similar homes in the area have recently sold. However, keep in mind that not all homes are properly priced.

7 Things To Look For In A New Neighbourhood

Whether you're seeking solace, activity, schools, churches or even green space, every home buyer looks for a different combination of attributes in a new community. Choosing a neighbourhood that suits your needs and wants is one of the most important decisions you'll make in the home buying process. Your choice of environment will affect the way you experience your new home.

Stop Paying Your Landlord: Own Your Own Home

The thousands of dollars in rent you've paid your landlord may be a staggering figure. You may think that buying a home just isn't possible for you. This situation is common. Countless people feel trapped in home rentals, pouring thousands of dollars into a place that will never be their own. However, putting the buying process into motion isn't nearly as impossible as it may seem. There are several little-known facts that may be the key to helping you buy a home.

How To Set An Offer Price

There is no set equation to determine how you'll reach an offer price. You'll need to look at sales of comparable properties, the condition of the property, and the current market conditions. With this information, you'll be able to determine a fair offer price.

Tips For The Moving Process

It's official! You own your new home! Now it's time for the time-consuming process of moving. However, if you break the process down into steps, it can be manageable.

Top Legal Mistakes To Avoid

The process of selling a home seems to involve a million details. The legal issues involved in the process are often intricate, ranging from common knowledge to subtle details.

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